Coming Soon: Indie Gift-A-Long 2016!


I'm thrilled that I'm participating in the Indie Design Gift-A-Long 2016 through Ravelry!graphic-main-ball

Indie Design Gift-A-Long: a multi-designer promotion to help you kick your holiday gift-making into high gear!

If you haven't heard of this exciting event, you'll probably want to check it out. Each year in the run-up to the end-of-year holidays, an army of enthusiastic volunteers organizes the Indie Design Gift-A-Long. Indie designers like yours truly get a chance to show off their best designs, and knitters and crocheters get a chance to learn about some new designers, purchase patterns at a discount, stock their gift baskets, and win fabulous prizes.Each participating designer makes between 5 and 20 individual patterns available for 25% off between 8 PM U.S. Eastern time on Tuesday, November 22, and midnight U.S. Eastern time on Wednesday, November 30. The discount code for use in Ravelry across all participating designers is giftalong2016. That's also the hashtag (#giftalong2016) for social media.For Kino Knits, that 25%-off code will work for ALL of my individual patterns, namely:

Then you're off to the races! Knit your indie designs from November 22 to December 31 and enter the finished objects into the Indie Design Gift-A-Long 2016 threads to enter to win fantastic prizes. Every participating designer (and there are a LOT of us - 335 last year and expected to grow!) has donated 6 patterns, plus there are other physical prizes. Your chances to win are great, you'll have some handknits for some special people, and the community is AWESOME. Last year, there were 2,298 FOs from this event. On the last day of the event, there was an average of 1 FO posted every 6.4 minutes. For serious.So. I'm excited. Can you tell? I'm chomping at the bit to make these patterns available with the discount and crossing my fingers someone is interested in knitting them for this event! I'll be stalking the designer boards, as well, and looking for some indie patterns to knit myself.If you have questions, the Indie Design Gift-A-Long 2016 Ravelry board is the best place to start. The chat boards are coming soon. Now go forth and (plan to) knit!



Episode 023 (MD Alpaca and Fleece Festival, Maryland, USA)


What It's Like to Knit a Kino Knits Pattern