FO: Puerperium, Take 2
Since I've been on vacation, I've been banging out knitting lately, which means I need to bang out some blog posts. I had a stack of knitting planned for Christmas and a stack of knitting planned for post-Christmas but pre-baby... and it's essentially all done.One of the baby essentials was a sweater to wear home from the hospital. Pretty much three years ago exactly, my son wore a Hudson Bay blanket-esque Puerperium cardigan by Kelly Brooker home from the hospital. I don't say it was "inspired" by Hudson Bay blankets because at the time, I naively had no idea what they were. I was just in a stripey and stash-busting mood. It was only when my mom admired the finished product, saying, "Oh, Hudson Bay!" that I was clued in.I decided to make the same Puerperium cardigan for Stinker #2, as I've been referring to this baby of unknown gender, but I loved my son's sweater so much that I had a hard time picking a color scheme. I'm still a sucker for stripes, so I again just went to my stash and settled on yellow Cascade 220 Superwash that I've already used in several projects and turquoise Berroco Vintage leftover from my son's baby blanket. I decided I get bonus points for these being Ukrainian colors, since this baby will be 1/4 Ukie.
The pattern is a free Ravelry download and knit from the top down. It's only intended to fit babies until they're about 6 weeks old, so be mentally prepared for that. My only modification was to add a few inches of length. My son has his dad's long torso and always grows out of tops before bottoms, so I'm hedging my bets that this baby might be the same. Wee baby sweaters turn me to mush - do you have a favorite to knit?