Episode 066 (Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival 2019)
Recorded Thursday, May 16, 2019
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Announcements and KALs
Get The Chekhov Collection of a one-color, two-color, and three-color shawl for just $5 with Ravelry code CHERRY through June 23! The one-color shawl, Chayka, is available now for $6. The next two shawls will go live on May 25 and June 15. All three shawls are designed for flexible weights and to maximize yardage use. Click here to view the collection in Ravelry. Click here to apply the $5 code. In case you missed it (ICYMI)… Kino Knits and The Knitting Boutique are excited to bring you another MKAL, this time for a three-color shawl designed for The Knitting Boutique’s Severn DK yarn, a unique blend of Blue Faced Leicester (BFL) fiber and silk (yarn kits available here). The shawl includes easy lace and stripes, so choose yarns that offer some contrast for the best results - and be prepared to use up just about every bit of those skeins! Click here to view the MKAL on Ravelry!
- Introduction - available now!
- Clue 1: Monday, May 13 - available now!
- Clue 2: Thursday, May 16 - available now!
- Clue 3: Thursday, May 23
- Clue 4: Thursday, May 30
Grad Your Stash 2019! Runs May 15 to June 15. The idea of this KAL is to take the oldest stuff in your stash and help it graduate into becoming an FO. You can spin, weave, knit, crochet, tat, whatever… just as long as you finish.
The rules are basically the same as last year:
- Any fibery hobby counts.
- You must use the OLDEST thing in your stash to participate. This could be from the 1970s or from two months ago – whatever is your personal oldest.
- WIPs count, but you must finish the project between May 15 and June 15, graduation season.
- There is no minimum yardage, but the spirit of the KAL is to use up that precious stash, so please make an effort to do so. Don’t knit a 2g blanket square of a 100g old skein and consider yourself done. That’s just not sporting.
- If you graduate your oldest stash, and there’s still time left in the KAL – feel free to graduate your next oldest stash and get another entry.
- Each finished object will earn you 1 entry for prizes. If you use a sponsor product, you get 5 extra entries! Sponsor info coming soon!
Knitting on Safari
Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival
The crazy colors I chose to blend -
My quick spin with progressive color plying -
I spun singles! -
All the singles ladies
Needles Up! -
Needles Up! wool piggery
- Dragon Hoard Yarn Co
- Shelli Can
- Kristy Glass, Tell Me About Your Rhinebeck Sweater 2016 (I'm in it!)
Trysten of Dragon Hoard Yarn Co. -
Shelli Can pins - love the Yarnold Palmer
Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival
What are YOUR economics of weaving in ends? Comment here.
The lines waiting to go in! -
Cotswald -
Gorgeous fine-micron merino! -
The Jacob fleece I so valiantly resisted buying -
Can I live here, please? -
When at Maryland, eat a gyro. -
Subito Farms -
Subito Farms -
All your Hobbledehoy are belong to us -
Hand combs clamp and storage bobbins -
Pawley Studios
Magpie Fibers Open House - Chayka shawl
All the glorious Magpie -
Love this sweater - Ixchel
Where to Find Me
Ravelry, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Periscope, Ello
Email: kinoknits (at) gmail.com
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